THINK LOCAL, ACT GLOBAL: Lessons from the MTN "Saka" Ad.

The first time i heard this expression about a decade ago, i marveled at the sheer ingenuity of the mind that conceived it. As antithetical as it sounded, my young mind did not fail to grasp the meaning , as i was quick to compare and connect it with an earlier encountered similar business phrase: think big, start small! The art of thinking local and acting global couldn’t be more needed in any field than brand advertising, particularly in our clime here! In the bid to create world class advertising, get a shot at Cannes and other similar awards, and mirror our colleagues in the western world, we fail to see that what truly attracts us to their advertising is the originality of their stories. A quick look at the largest selling brand of cigarettes in the world, Marlboro, shows the impact of local thinking , and global execution. The perception of the Marlboro brand is that it is proudly Texan! “When Texans roll, they roll big” is a cliche we have gotten used to ...