9 Years after my sojourn into advertising and marketing communications, the economic meltdown in my country Nigeria ensured that my office could not sustainably and profitably run with Fat Cats (figuratively and literally speaking) like me on the payroll, I resigned, took a sizable severance cheque, and in my ‘infinite’ wisdom, decided it was time I put in all my years of experience into starting my own business. I looked at the Marketing Communication “Red Ocean” in Nigeria, and identified a “Blue Ocean” and leapt into it, putting every other project in my life on hold. Some offers came occasionally, almost on a monthly basis, but I did not accept any, claiming it did not excite me enough, or that the pay was not good enough (Though I did do some consultancy ish for a couple of months) . But in my heart, the main reason I did not acceopt a full-time 8-5 gig was because I badly wanted to own and run my own business. I had some savings, but 6 months down t...