The ABC of Generational Wealth

What is Generational Wealth? It is wealth that outlives the owner and is accessible by the next generation, and even the next. Do you know that generational wealth is pretty easy to build? Just like a house is built one block at a time, generational wealth is built one asset acquisition a time. You do not have to be a multi-millionaire or a billionaire to build generational wealth, but you have to think like one. So, here is the ABC of Generational Wealth: A. ACQUIRE (Asset Acquisition) What is an asset? An asset is anything that, not only presently adds value to you but increases in value with the passage of time. Both the rich and the poor have the same time per day, per month, per year. The value and quality of your present time may have been foisted on you by birth, family, location, background and education, but the value and quality of your time (life) in 10 years is entirely up to you. So, if tomorrow’s quality must be better, it is common sen...