It is 9:30pm GMT, Sunday 20 th March 2016, and I’m sitting down in my parlour at home, glued to CNN, and watching the 44 th president of the United States walk the talk. For a man who came into power with the slogan “change we can believe in”…….notwithstanding the perpetual grandstanding by the republicans, he has indeed brought about change that Americans, and indeed the world can believe in, locally and internationally. POTUS has indeed lived up to the very definition of change, which is “a departure from the status quo” The status quo for the American government has been to play their role as the ‘POLICE’ of the world by using aggression, and brute power. And whenever that approach failed, the US would incite a regime change, or use the UN to impose every imaginable ban applicable to bring the perceived enemy down to its knees. Pursuant to living true to his promise, Obama has adopted an approach of negotiations, more negotiations, stooping to conquer, op...