Brand - Customer Relationship. First Things First.

The reason why for-profit brands set up shop is fundamentally to get their identified prospective costumer to buy (products or/and services) from them. From the outset, brands set out to get their customers to buy from them. The focus of all activities from product/service design and package, distribution channel (s), pricing and positioning is essentially aimed at getting the customer to buy from them. While there is nothing wrong with working towards getting customers to buy from you, it is rather a case of putting the cart before the horse. This is because, before any customer would even get to the point where he/she considers and decides to buy from you, he/she needs to first buy into you. Expecting a customer to buy from you when he/she is yet to buy into you, is like expecting a girl to accept to marry you when she has not dated you, gone out with you, nor being on dates with you. The act of a consumer buying from you, is akin to someone investing in a busines...