Happy New Year Everybody!

It is that time of the year again when everybody….or at least, most people, feverishly set goals for the year.
Most of the goals tend to have wealth creation, habit change, physical fitness, and advancement of relationship status, in common, and among the top 3 goals.
It is not uncommon to hear people say things like: “This year, I want to make more money” or “ This year, I want to transit from being an employee, to becoming an employer of labour” or “this year, I want to stop drinking and lose weight” or even “this year, I must marry”.
However, when you look at the New Year goals of most people, top on their list is the desire to create more wealth. This is not surprising, and is even understandable, as most of the other goals, if not all, can be facilitated, or achieved better or faster, when there is more money.
To get wealthy however, is not achievable without strategic planning and execution. To fail to plan, is to plan to fail. Therefore, if you must achieve wealth in 2018, there is a need to understand and apply some principles that would ensure that your goal is achieved. Of all possible things you need to do if you must achieve your financial goal, the outlined 10 are most important.

1.    Get Education: Education in this case is not necessarily formal or structured. The education referred to here is the art of learning and mastering the skill you need to exchange in the market place to get financial remuneration. Whatever the skill is, whether it is a production skill for products, or the skill that culminates in the rendering of service to your customer, it is important to start today to hone those skills. If you hitherto didn’t have the skill-set, now is the time to look for that environment, person, place, office or opportunity in whatever other form to acquire the skills.  Remember, knowledge is power!

2.    Keep the right relationships:  Success is not just built on relationships, but on the right relationships. Eagles keep the company of eagles. Lions keep the company of Lions. Hens keep the company of Hens. You get my drift now? The kind of relationships you keep should be determined by your destination. A man that desires to own a conglomerate should associate with entrepreneurs. Why? Because the mind-set of a salary-minded employee is very different from that of the income-minded entrepreneur. If you desire to achieve your financial goals in 2018, you need to be deliberate and strategic in your choice of friends, acquaintances, partners, and financial advisers. Look at your present circle of friends and identify those among them who are financially literate, and consequently moving in the financial direction you would like to go; look for opportunities or platforms on which you can mutually leverage off each other, and propose the value you can add to them first. Over time, when they see that you add needed value, it is only a matter of time before they reciprocate.

3.    Cultivate the habit of reading: Poor people have big TVs and small libraries (if any at all); Rich people have big libraries and small TVs. The preceding statement clearly shows the mind-set of the poor and the rich regarding reading, and how it impacts their lives. There is no human pursuit that has not been achieved in one form or the other by someone in the past, and consequently documented. Readers are leaders. If you can’t read, you can’t lead. The major source of fresh, global, multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural knowledge is a book. While food nourishes the body, books nourish the mind. Imagine how emasculated you would be if you skipped meals for days, weeks and perhaps, months. Now, imagine how emasculated your mind must be, if you have not read a book in months! Any wonder why there are no wealth creation ideas flowing from your mind? If you must attain your goal of financial freedom, you need to cultivate the habit of reading.

4.    Look out for problems, and solve them: Value flows in the direction of solutions. Take a look around you, every single one of the items and physical property around you is a solution to a problem you have. Some of them have become so mundane that we do not appreciate their importance until they are taken away. As I type on my laptop, placed on my study table, while I seat on my study chair, comfortably typing because my air-conditioner is cooling the room; it is easy to take all these seemingly common things for granted. Until I want to type, and there is no laptop, and I finally choose to write my story on a paper and there is no table to place the paper on, neither is there a chair to sit on. Finally, I decide to cross my legs and sit on the floor, and lean against the wall. 5 minutes into my writing, I begin to sweat, and the sweat running down my palm and fingers make holding the biro a serious challenge…..not to talk of the smudges that begin to form on the sheet of paper. Imagine how many people need to buy common chairs, tables, a laptop and a cooling system (fan or air-conditioner) every day. The problems these seemingly common things solve ensure that the producing companies post profits year on year. What problem have you identified around you which you can solve? Your financial freedom lies in solving these problems.

5.    Identify your gifts and talents….Nurture them….and monetize them: Your gifts and talents are those things you have a natural aptitude for, the things you are able to do effortlessly. They are also those things which you can do for free, and happily too. In the pursuit of financial freedom, it is important to identify your gifts, refine them so that they can become marketable and attract a premium, and then, monetize them. In your use of your talents, you can start off putting them to use on a part-time basis, in combination with your day job. It is supposed to be stressful and tiring, considering that the time you ought to use for rest is what you are putting in. However, it would not be unbearably stressful because it is a talent and consequently a passion. I have no doubt that Cristiano Ronaldo would not do badly if he had to combine playing football with a tie-wearing job, because it is a gift that is fun to put to use, irrespective of the condition.

6.    Keep your eyes and ears open to opportunities: Ask 90% of the really wealthy whom the world believe they got a lucky break, while there is a place for luck in the lives of men, but these people would tell you that they were constantly on the look-out for opportunities, and were ready for them. They were constantly in the know regarding things happening in their surroundings and beyond. Consequently, they seemed to know opportunities before they became public knowledge.

7.    Work Hard: Nothing replaces hard work. No matter how much education you have, no matter how many people you know, or how many books you read, if at the end of the day, you cannot put on your clothes, tighten your belt, lace your shoe straps and consistently hit the road, then it will all be for naught. All the earlier mentioned can be likened to the various parts of a car, while hard work refers to the act of turning the ignition of the car and actually driving the car.

8.    Work Smart: Smart work is what ensures that the journey to the place of financial freedom is shorter and smoother. While hard work is good, smart work is even great. Smart work is hard work done with wisdom. An example of smart work is leverage. Leverage gives its user the ability to achieve things that are naturally impossible without leverage. One man clearing grass on an acre of land for 21 days is hard work. On the other hand, if the same man hired 6 other men to join him in the clearing of the land, instead of 21 days, it would take 3 days to clear the same land. Now, that is smart work.

9.    Sell more than one product/service: No man ever became wealthy by focusing on one source of income. To achieve financial freedom, it is important that you have at least 4 streams of income. You start with your day job. As soon as you are an authority in your day job, you begin to look at a non-conflicting things you can do on a part-time basis. It may be teaching, it may be consulting, it may be multi-level marketing. As that begins to work well, you begin to look for how to make money work for you while you work for money. You may want to consider setting up a small business such as a laundry shop, a barber shop, a provision store, or a spa. Already, you have three streams of income. Over a period of time, you begin to discover that you have multiple streams of income.

10.Give Everything: In the pursuit of financial freedom, there are no half-measures. To get the prize, you need to pay the price. And the price you pay, is giving it your all……and more.

Kindly check my videos on my YouTube channel: "Firebrandikemba" and follow me on Instagram @ikemba1 and on twitter @ikemba

To know more about me, visit www.firebrandikemba.com 


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