No. 23: Being too strict with your diet.
Don’t drink soda, it’s not good for you.
Don’t eat starchy foods, you will add weight.
Don’t drink beer, you will have a pot-belly.
The list is endless.
The truth is that, whether you like it or not,
at some point in your life, due to no fault of yours, and notwithstanding how
strict you are with your diet, you will add weight, and you may have some
health issues, which may either be treatable or just manageable.
The key is to enjoy all classes of food in
Eat breakfast as early as you can, and eat enough to get you far
along the day.
Whatever you drink, wine, soda, beer, or spirit, consume
Ensure you also exercise at every opportunity. Just walk around at
every chance.
The only thing that you definitely should not
take at all from a health perspective is cigarettes.
All the tasty, yummy and delicious food
available were made for our enjoyment.
It would be sad to work so hard, only to
deprive oneself of all this pleasure and satisfaction when it is time to
socialize at an event, or a dinner, or a party, and watch while everybody else
has real fun.
What’s the point?