No. 24: Not going on vacation.

No matter how much you try, there would always be some unfinished business in the office.

The day there is no more work to be done, the business goes out of business.

The trick is to learn how to balance. Balance work with rest, family and other extra-curricular activity that catches your fancy.


Nobody is indispensable.

You may be important. Very important actually.

But do not ever deceive yourself into believing that you are indispensable.

Therefore, refusing to go on a deserved vacation using the excuse of the business suffering because of your short absence is actually self-delusional, and a sign of job insecurity.

And remember, the ability to go on vacation is a function of the availability of funds to prosecute it, good health to enjoy it, a guaranteed job to come back to after the vacation, as well as the availability of free time, however short, to enjoy it.

These are factors which your job and career currently enable.

Do not waste it.

Else, you probably would regret it later.


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