No. 27: Not giving back

Giving back refers to rendering service and support in cash or kind, particularly to your community, or to the society because you acknowledge that you have enjoyed certain benefits from the community or society, and wish to ensure that other people can enjoy the same benefits – through you.  

Nothing gives more pleasure, satisfaction, and fulfillment than giving back.

And the good news is that you do not need to have millions to give back.

There are various avenues and channels through which you can give back. You can give back in form of cash, recommendations, approvals, knowledge sharing, granting access, training, development, scholarships, sponsorships, community work, and social work in your religious group or social group.

It is however easier to give back when you are active, young, earning income, and have strength. This is because, whether you are giving back in cash or kind, you would need all the above factors to give back effectively.


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