No. 19: Using your power or office to oppress someone.

Yesterday, getting access to the internet was a nightmare. Consequently, I was unable to post No.19. 

But I'm back. So, today, I would share both No. 19 and No. 20 of my series tagged: 31 THINGS YOU WOULD ABSOLUTELY REGRET DOING TO YOUR CAREER AND LIFE. Please enjoy. 

Our true character as humans is usually revealed when we have money and when we have power.

What we fail to remember, however, is that both money and power are transient.

Nobody is ever MD or GM or Director or Boss for life!
It is important to remember that nobody dropped on the top. Everybody grew to the top, and therefore was once a subordinate, a junior, a recruit or an intern.

When you use your power or office to oppress anybody, you are setting yourself up for karma and disappointment in the future, because what goes around comes around.

The oppressed too would rise. Your reign will end. And the table would turn.

What you would get when your career has run its course, or how you would be treated when that time comes would largely be a product of how you used your office or how you treated people when you had the power.


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